Alternate Work Area  Definition(s): Recovery environment complete with necessary infrastructure (desk, telephone, workstation, and associated hardware and equipment, communications, etc).  Source: DRJ

Alternate Site  Definition(s): An alternate operating location to be used by business functions when the primary facilities are inaccessible. Another location, computer center or work area designated for recovery. Location,

Acceptable Risk  Definition(s): The level of residual risk that has been determined to be a reasonable level of potential loss/disruption for a specific IT System.  Source: NIST 800-16 A level

Disaster Recovery (DR)  Definition(s): The Strategies and plans for recovering and restoring the organization’s technological infra-structure and capabilities after a serious interruption.  Source: BCI The process, policies and procedures to

Business Process  Definition(s): A process that is owned and carried out by the business. A business process contributes to the delivery of a product or service to a business customer.

Business Continuity   Definition(s): An ongoing process to ensure that the necessary steps are taken to identify the impact of potential losses and maintain viable recovery strategies, recovery plans, and continuity