Hot Site  Definition(s): A fully operational offsite data processing facility equipped with hardware and software, to be used in the event of an information system disruption.  Source: NIST CNSSI 4009-2015 from NIST

Warm Site  Definition(s): An environmentally conditioned work space that is partially equipped with information systems and telecommunications equipment to support relocated operations in the event of a significant disruption.  Source:

Cold Site  Definition(s): A backup facility that has the necessary electrical and physical components of a computer facility, but does not have the computer equipment in place. The site is

Call Tree  Definition(s): A document that graphically depicts the calling responsibilities and the calling order used to contact management, employees, customers, vendors and other key contacts in the event of

Assembly Area  Definition(s): The designated area at which employees, visitors, and contractors assemble if evacuated from their building/site.  Source: BCI/DRJ

Business Unit  Definition(s): A business unit within an organization e.g. branch/ division.  Source: BCI/DRJ

Business Resumption  Definition(s): The condition of a function, following its recovery, when it is ready to take on tasks and activities to meet new business obligations.  Source: Singapore MAS